There's a difference between cheap tobacco and inexpensive tobacco!

Okay, so you haven't given up the habit. Lots of us haven't. It's a fact that many people simply enjoy the pleasure of smoking tobacco. However, those tobacco taxes keep rising and it's no longer an inexpensive habit. It's quite the luxury item these days.

If you're looking to cut your tobacco expense, it can be done and at significant savings. There are just a few things you need to know about the tobacco products and where to find the cheap tobaccos of better quality.

Cartons of ready-made cigarettes from the supermarket or tobacco shop are daunting, to say the least. For the cost of a carton, two people could dine at a nice steak house and have a bottle of wine to boot. So there's got to be a better solution. Fortunately, for tobacco smokers, there is.

If you insist on sticking with the ready-mades, you can still save big time by buying online. However, there's another option available if you're looking for cheap tobacco that's less expensive and of equal quality. Buying bulk tobacco, rolling tubes and a cigarette rolling machine is the cheap tobacco solution. The tubes are available in Kings, 100s, Lights and Menthol types. Your spouse will no longer be able to chide you, “We could go out for a nice dinner for that cost!”

The finer cuts of tobacco tend to be of lesser quality and are harder to roll. Tobacco in longer threads are both easier to roll and usually of a better quality. You'll probably want to sample a few tobacco brands to find one that suits you. Know also that there are organically grown (without pesticides) tobaccos available as well. While the organically grown tobaccos are among the priciest, if you roll your own, you can justify your habit to your spouse in three ways. It's not as harmful, it doesn't cost as much as a carton and you'll likely smoke fewer cigarettes. Why? You have to roll them. While this isn't difficult, it tends to become integrated into the smoking ritual and most people end up smoking less.

Buying in bulk is what makes inexpensive tobacco a cheap tobacco alternative. Buying online reduces the cost even more. As a general benchmark, you can buy a pound of loose tobacco of a quality that at least rivals the carton quality for anywhere from a third to half the cost of a carton, depending on your home state's taxes! Now that's cheap tobacco!

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